How does the manager access the full reports on the platform and what are the reports provided by the platform to him?
- From the home page of the platform, enter Dashboard tab.
- The reports page will appear with the reports, students tab.
- To view the general statistics of the school, access the reports.
- The platform will provide you with general statistics, including the number of classes in the school, the number of premium accounts, and the number of free accounts.
- To know the number of active students in the school in general, within the application, select the required date (you can choose one of the existing options, or choose a specific date that specifies its start and end) and then press Apply.
- To find out the number of students working hours in the school in general, within the application, select the required date (you can choose one of the existing options, or choose a specific date that specifies its start and end) and then click Apply.
- To find out the number of exercises that students have completed in the school in general, within the application, select the required date (you can choose one of the existing options or choose a specific date that specifies its start and end) and then press Apply.
- At the end of the page, the platform provides you with a report on the progress in the curriculum levels in general.
- To view the statistics of the students in the school, enter the Students tab.
- The platform will show you the number of students present in the school, and provide you with the name of each student, the status of his account, the license to which the account belongs, the level reached, the time spent on the application, the total exercises completed, and the rate of progress).
- To arrange the students by table in ascending or descending order, click on the arrows next to the table title.
- To view more students, click on the page numbers, or edit the number of items per page.
- To know the reports of any student in particular, click on his name.
- You will see the full information of the student (account status, the license to which the account belongs, the student's last activity on the platform, the date the student entered the platform, the student's progress rate in the exercises)
- To find out the number of students working hours within the application, select the required date (you can choose one of the existing options or choose a specific date that specifies its start and end) and then click Apply.
- To find out the number of exercises completed by the class in general within the application, select the required date (you can choose one of the existing options or choose a specific date that specifies its start and end) and then click Apply.
- At the bottom of the page, the platform will provide you with the status of the student's progress within each level (total exercises completed, number of correct answers, number of wrong answers, time spent for each exercise, student completion rate for the level).
- To view a report on each student session in private, enter the Activity tab.
- The platform will provide you with a daily report of the student’s work in it (the hour of entry to the application, the level and lesson in which the student worked, the number of exercises completed, the number of correct answers, the number of wrong answers, the time spent for the session, the percentage of the student’s completion of the lesson).